Marianne Wood

Richard and Marianne Wood
Sent to me by my wonderful sister-in-law. I was so touched, I asked if I could share this on my blog today. Reprinted by permission
As I was reflecting on motherhood this morning, a precious memory came to mind.
It had been a hectic day with our four children then ages 4-9 at home and underfoot. I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes when I turned to see the youngest open the refrigerator door and begin to tip a bowl to see the contents. My frantic, “Don’t,” was too late as unsettled Jello poured all over Michelle, the refrigerator and the floor.
As analytical Michael came running in to assess the situation, I grabbed hold of the front of the sink and audibly prayed, “Lord, help me bring these children up!”
Michael asked, “What do you mean?”
Wow! That is exactly what motherhood is all about–raising our children in a way that one day leads them to heaven!
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) are walking in the truth.” 3 John verse 4 (NKJV)
A pastor’s wife for nearly fifty years, Marianne is the mother of four children. Blessed with a passel of grandchildren, step-grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, Marianne’s greatest joy in life is her family.

God indeed has a sense of humor. He chose children to teach us, too-smart adults, what being his child means, the very special relationship the believer enjoys with our Heavenly Father. We adults experience the same chaos, misadventure, and heartaches as our charges. Through a child’s example, we learn how God nurtures us with his infinitesimal patience. This easy to read, often hilarious narrative, uses cartoons, witticisms, anecdotes, quotes, and Scripture study to bring home these truths. A veteran social worker, Rondeau draws upon her many experiences in working with families as well as her personal experiences as a mom. You will want to keep this book close at hand for those moments of weakness and pass the story along to your friends.
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